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Privacy Policy

The Columbia Craft Brewing Company may collect certain customer information from your use of this web site. Any information collected is retained in strict confidence, and care is taken to ensure that unauthorized persons do not compromise your information. Columbia Craft Brewing Company uses available industry-standard measures to protect your information from loss, misuse, alteration and destruction.

Columbia Craft Brewing Company will not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties any customer information obtained from this web site without your express consent. If in the event that Columbia Craft Brewing Company uses other agents, contractors, suppliers or companies to perform services or supply products, Columbia Craft Brewing Company will request that those agents, contractors, suppliers or companies protect your customer information in a consistent manner.

Columbia Craft Brewing Company regularly reviews its compliance with this Privacy Statement. Please note that this Privacy Statement may change from time to time. If you have any additional questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement or our treatment of customer information, please contact us directly at